A member asked:

How much time does it take for sutures to heal?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Donald Alves answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Depends on where: It is not the sutures, they hold the skin edges together until it can start to heal--in areas without tension on them, it can be a few days. In areas with a lot of tension (like over a knee) it can be up to a couple of weeks the skin needs the extra support of the suture to get established.

Answered 10/21/2013



Healing time: The length of time sutures take to heal depends on which area of the body and your general health. Sutures are typically left in 5 - 10 days with the face at the shorter end of the range and longer for heavily used areas such as arms and legs. Young healthy people heal more quickly than the elderly or people with chronic medical conditions.

Answered 10/18/2013



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