A member asked:

My sons chicken pox seem to be fading away and are not blistering. .. what does this mean?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ira Rubin answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Resolving pox: Chickenpox typically comes in 2 waves. First several pox that open then scab, then about 3 days into the infection a second wave of pox appear. Once each pox open and scab you child would be non contagious and able to go out. This typically takes 7 days.

Answered 9/15/2015



May not be CPx: The chickenpox is one infection that is marked well by it's characteristic rash. It forms from a small pimple like bump, enlarges, blisters and begins to scab over in less than a day. The average kid has 200+ spots, but some have few and may go un-noticed. If the process you think is cpx does not blister, i would consider other diagnosis from the many rash producing agents.Blood tests could confirm.

Answered 9/29/2016



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