A member asked:

With reference to breast cancer, if a solid lump is present in the armpit area (lymph node) , does it matter if it is itchy or not?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No: Don't bet your life on it. If you have a primary breast cancer, or any reason to think you do, staging will depend on sampling the lymph node if it's indicated. A palpable node in the axilla is worth a trip to your physician.

Answered 12/10/2013



Go see your doctor: If a solid lump is present in your axilla (the arm pit area), it does not matter if it is itchy or not, you need to go see your doctor right away for an evaluation. Breast cancer tends to travel to the axilla, but other cancer can also present as a solid lump in the armpit too, such as lymphoma.

Answered 5/9/2015



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