A member asked:

I had sex with 2 partners. the first one before my lmp was may 28,2022. i then got my period june 8,2022. the 2nd partner and i had intercourse after my lmp. my due date is 3/16/23 both of my ultrasounds match up to my lmp? whos more than likely dad?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

You do understand that during menses (your period) the uterine lining is shed, meaning you're not pregnant. Since you had your LMP 6/8/2022, any partner before then is not the father. Based on you due date and calculator.net, you concieved on June 23, 2022. It appears partner # 2 is the father. Makes sense since that's around your ovulation date (6/20 to 6/24). Use contraception to avoid pregnancy

Answered 10/14/2022


Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Use a reverse due date calculator for free online and this will be easy for you to find out. Simply type in your due date and the conception date will be calculated for you.

Answered 10/15/2022



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