A member asked:

What can i take other than ec to avoid pregnancy? i don't want to get on the pill cuz i don't need anything messing up my hormones, is there any home remedy i can practice along with a condom or pull out method?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Pull out is not a "method" as sperm leak continuously during sex. I copper IUD can provide protection for years with no hormones but is pricey and insertion uncomfortable. There is no herbs/home remedies that are a dependable way to avoid pregnancy.

Answered 10/29/2021



Good question. Yes, there are spermicidal gels and creams that you can use while your partner uses a condom and the combination is much more effective in preventing pregnancy. You can also be fitted by a doctor for a diaphragm that is also used with spermicide gel and goes inside the woman. Other options include cervical caps, some IUDs (some use hormones, some don’t), and sponge.

Answered 10/28/2021



There are no effective "home remedies". Visit this site for various options for contraception: https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/contraception/index.htm Get HPV vaccine.

Answered 10/29/2021



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