A member asked:

Im 19, boy. can i apply coconut oil on my penis foreskin and on penis head? is it safe? how many times can i apply it in a day? and after how much time should i wash my penis after applying oil? and is there any need that i should use it definitely?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Why would you ever consider using such an product on your genitals. It would serve no useful purpose I am aware of. Leave your penis alone. Keep it clean and it will serve you well for a lifetime.

Answered 7/8/2021



Agree with Dr. Ferguson. Unless you are using oil as a lubricant for masturbation, there is no need to apply oil to your penis. For healthy diet: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/., exercise 30 minutes/day, drink enough water daily so your urine is mostly colorless, have safe sex, no tobacco alcohol weed or street drugs. Get HPV and Covid vaccines. Wish you good health!

Answered 7/6/2021



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