A member asked:

I am experiencing bloody nose, headache (severity: severe) (time frame: gradual) (occurred: < 1 hour) (side: front, left) (worsened by: bending forward, sneeze or cough, menstruation) (unaffected by: changes in sleep pattern, psychological stress, exercis

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

1 time or recurrent?: If your nose bleeds hold your nostrils between fingers for about 10 minutes. Sit up &amp; hold your head &amp; neck forward so the blood doesn’t just flow down your throat. If you are able to – place a moistened cotton ball over the area that is bleeding. If you can’t control the bleeding after 20 minutes – seek medical assistance. If problem keeps occurring get checked.

Answered 8/19/2019



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