Evaluation : It may be viral or your body's reaction to allergic substance. It also maybe your body's immune system damaging your body. Have it checked and possibly a biopsy done to diagnose the problem and to determine type of treatment needed.
Answered 8/6/2017
Lesions: Should be evaluated by your Dentist. If necessary, Dentist will also want you to see an ENT. Can't diagnose you with just your bare=bones description. You actually need to be physically examined. Please call your Dentist.
Answered 8/6/2017
Redness: Do you have any redness anywhere else? Have you vomited recently or had a virus or fever? Are you a smoker? Could be yeast infection and need Rx. Please send a photo to be sure it is not serious.
Answered 8/13/2017
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6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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