A member asked:

Does masterbation effects health in such a way that a man gets so weak so that he can't be a father due to excess masterbation?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No: Masturbation does not cause the symptoms your are stating. However, excessive masturbation around the time of ovulation when you have intercourse will decrease the number of sperm during the ejaculation. This can be avoided by abstaining from masturbation or sexual activity for 3 to 5 days prior to her ovulation to maximize the number of sperm and volume of ejaculate.

Answered 12/20/2012



No: Exception would be if he is unable to perform due to frequency of masturbation. However, if one is able to perform and semen analysis is normal, masturbation unlikely to affect chance of conceiving.

Answered 4/15/2015



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