A member asked:

My girlfriend just got two periods in three weeks and she doesn't use birth control. does this mean that she is possibly pregnant?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Not likely: We would suspect pregnancy if she was having no periods not if having more frequent. She could always check a home pregnancy test. Sounds like she should see a doctor to discuss birth control for cycle regulation.

Answered 6/26/2016



Probably not: There are many reasons for irregular bleeding and certainly pregnancy is one of them. However, less frequent bleeding is more common. If you are concerned about pregnancy, a simple inexpensive home pregnancy should provide the answer. If negative and the abnormality should continue, she should be evaluated by a health care professional.

Answered 3/1/2016



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