A member asked:

Male 21 after having sexual intercourse has pain and a burning sensation in his urethra, but not when urinating, what can we do? me and my boyfriend had sex yesterday vaginal and oral. and he has a burning sensation in his urethra and it is painful. he ha

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

He : He needs to be seen and get cultures taken for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes. He should be seen at an office immediately. Always use a condom to prevent infection.

Answered 6/13/2019


Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Testing : Urethral burning can be a sign of a bladder infection or sometimes a sexually transmitted disease. It can also occur after exposure to certain chemical and soaps. He will need to see a doctor for testing.

Answered 7/29/2019



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