A member asked:

How long until signs of pregnancy are noticeable and what to look for my girlfriend and i had unprotected sex around 4 days ago. i did not fully climax inside of her, but i'm worried that my pre-ejaculate may have impregnated her. my question is simple, h

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Geoffrey Rutledge answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

The : The early signs of pregancy vary amongst women, but here are some classic signs: 1. Late/abonormal menstration - may experience spotting as egg implants to uterus 2. Nausea/vomiting - morning sickness 3. Fatigue/drowsiness 4. Back pain 5. Heachaches - due to hormone changes 6. Darkening of nipple/areola 7. Frequent urination pregnancy hormone can be detected in the urine about 14 days after conception, take a pregancy test if her period is late.

Answered 10/3/2016



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