A member asked:

Can hpv cause blisters in the mouth in the morning and disappear in about 4hours ? and how to get rid of it for good ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Chiu answered

Unlikely: A hpv lesion lasts for days not hours. Does this happen when you are waking up or only after you have brushed your teeth?

Answered 2/7/2014


Dr. Daniel Rubenstein answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Mouth blisters: Mouth blisters are normally caused by one of the herpes viruses, and resolve themselves in 7-10 days. These are aphthous ulcers or cold sores . Hpv is a complex group of viruses that cause lesions in different areas of the body. Oral hpv lesions are not blisters. At some point the lesions may have to removed surgically. You should have your blisters examined by your dentist or oral surgeon.

Answered 2/7/2014



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