Yes : This would be common in depression. Please see your family doctor for an evaluation for possible physical causes for your depression and a referral to a psychiatrist for evaluation and diagnosis and see a psychotherapist as well. Best wishes.
Answered 10/4/2017
Yes: Loss of interest in sex is not uncommon with depression. Please see your primary medical provider to be evaluated for any medical causes of depression. Talking therapy to include Cognitive Behavioral therapy or psychotherapy can be effective. Aim for daily exercise, 8 hours of sleep per night & good nutrition w 5 servings of veggies & 4 of fruit per day. Try tai chi, yoga, Qi Gong, progressive >
Answered 11/28/2017
3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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A doctor has provided 1 answer
4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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