A member asked:

After 35 and before 40 what percent chance does a woman have at getting pregnant each month during ovulation? assume all numbers and uterus are good.

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Getting pregnant: Your chances of getting pregnant at the age of 35 years is 65 percent within the course of one year of trying to get pregnant. Your chances of getting pregnant at the age of 40 years is 55 percent within the course of one year of trying to get pregnant. See the calculator at: http://www.Calculatorslive.Com/chances-of-getting-pregnant-calculator.Aspx.

Answered 12/20/2012


Dr. Philip Chenette answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

3%-10% on average: Monthly fecundity rates decline strongly with age. Beyond that statement, there is no database or registry of natural conception that would allow quoting statistics, but a rough approximation is that a 35 year-old will conceive on average 1 in 10 ovulations (10% of the time), and a 40 year old 1 out of 30 (3%).

Answered 12/20/2012



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