A member asked:

Have asthma & allergies. on advair & albuterol. smoke from fires in state & surrounding. daily/nightly can't breathe. wake up wheezing can't sleep, do?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Need steroids: See your doctor today. It is miserable to be in this situation with asthma. Please contact your family doctor immediately. If you can't get into see your family doctor then go to a walk-in clinic or if necessary the emergency room to make it through the weekend. Will likely be given steroids but there may be other options they have available for you as well. You should all help you breathe better. Best wishes to you and i hope you can breathe better soon.

Answered 5/28/2014



Asthma: Smoke from fires is a known trigger for asthma, please contact your doctor to adjust your medications until the situation is resolved.

Answered 5/28/2014



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