A member asked:

What would cause ammonia smell in nose, chronic fatigue and muscle weakness in a 32yr asthmatic mom of 4 with perfect tsh, cmp, cbc and lipid panel?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sunil Mehra answered

Specializes in Pulmonology

Check for carbon mon: Just to on safer side check carbon monoxide(odourless) level;other thing to look for is chronic sinusitis with post nasal drip.

Answered 10/23/2017



Sinus Infection: You need to have your doctor check if you have sinus infection which is one of the common complications of allergies. Sinus infection gives you a sense of 'bad smell' maybe ammoniacal or not. Not well controlled asthma and allergies in itself makes you to have chronic fatigue and muscle weakness and thus more pronounced with any infection. Allergies can also increase your sensitivity to smell.

Answered 4/26/2018



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