A member asked:

My friend is suicidal but there's nothing i can do. help?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

How to help.: It is hard to watch a friend who is in crisis. If your friend is a minor, then please tell his or her parent (or guardian) asap. If your friend has a suicide plan with an urge to carry out that plan then he or she should be seen at the nearest emergency room right away. If your friend allows you to drive him or her -that is great. If not, you can call 911- for help from emergency services. Write.

Answered 7/26/2013


Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Suicidal friend: If you think your friend is in imminent danger of self-harm, you can call 911 for help. Hospital commitment for a short period of time (generally 3 days) can be arranged for your friend to be evaluated by psychiatrists, and appropriate treatment arranged. Sometimes a longer inpatient stay is needed and recommended, and then outpatient follow-up after that. Assessment is always first, though.

Answered 7/26/2013



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