A member asked:

I have ekbom syndrome , how can it be treated ?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Oscar Novick answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Ekbom syndrome: Ekbom syndrome is a delusional illness which can be treated with zyprexa, (olanzapine) but seek professional help.

Answered 6/26/2013


Dr. Kathleen Mullane answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Ekbom's syndrome: If you know the term then you know that ekbom's syndrome is delusional parasitosis. (patient believes they have parasites but there is no evidence on a medical eval of a parasitic ds). If your doctor has ruled out a parasitic infection & has consultations w/individuals he trusts from infectious diseases, dermatology & neurology w/all recommended workups (-); its time for symptom tx w/psyche help.

Answered 5/19/2016


Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Ekbom's Syndrome: This can be difficult, because the person is rigidly convinced of being infected with bugs or parasites despite rigorous medical exams to contrary. The person can suffer a lot. Work with a psychiatrist along with your dermatologist and/or primary doctor. The psychiatrist needs to assess for more complicated illnesses that can also have this symptom, as well as treat with helpful medicines.

Answered 6/27/2013



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