A member asked:

Is it normal to bleed really heavy after an ovarian cyst ruptures? i had a 7 cm cyst removed a yr ago and tend to get larger cysts, but i never bleed.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Seth Derman answered

Specializes in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Sometimes: If the cyst produces high levels of female hormones, when it ruptures or goes away, you may get a period, sometimes heavy. Oftentime, you will get no bleeding at all from a ruptured cyst.

Answered 2/18/2018


Dr. Henry Dorn answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Possible: Ovarian cysts often throw off your cycle and it is common to get a heavy period after they rupture, especially if you have missed a cycle or two. If you get frequent cysts, you may have pcos and benefit from treatment with something like metformin. If your bleeding is very heavy right now you should call your doctor. A few days on Lysteda may help it resolve more quickly.

Answered 2/18/2018



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