Generally in pelvis: It can present with 1. Pain with menses 2. Continuous pain throughout your cycle 3. Pain with intercourse 4. Heavy bleeding 5. Pain with urination and defecation it is more likely to be in other family members and is associated with 1/3 of infertility cases as it can cause anatomic abnormalities.
Answered 8/17/2017
Mostly in pelvis: If endometriosis is present the implants are usually found on the pelvic lining and on the surface of the ovaries and uterus. The only way to know for sure if you have it is to look with a scope in the operating room. Most women with endometriosis will get pregnant on their own, but it may take longer than average. Even if it proves difficult and infertility specialist is usually able to help.
Answered 5/1/2013
Endometriosis: Endometriosis affects mostly the ovary, on the uterus or the the fallopian tubes. It is not inheritable so if your aunt had it, it doesn't mean you will as well. Although it can only be diagnosed surgically, if it is inside the ovary, you may be able to see it with a pelvic ultrasound. Patients report painful menstrual cycles and it can cause problems with getting pregnant by affecting the eggs.
Answered 5/2/2013
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