A member asked:

Is there any std weather hiv or herpes or any disease that can happen if you have a fresh cut on your face and a tool that was used right away on someone face with any of those disease touched the cut can you get any disease ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

The viruses that cause these diseases do not live very long on an object so, practically speaking, this is very unlikely. I suppose it is possible if the object immediately went from someone’s infected face to your cut face but it would need to be immediate and from a practical standpoint, it wouldn’t be immediately used that way. If you are concerned, then get tested to alleviate your anxiety.

Answered 9/21/2023


Dr. Jay Park answered

Hepatitis B and HIV could be transmitted only if a tool such as razor became contaminated by fresh blood before the same razor makes a deep cut to the next person.

Answered 9/21/2023



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