A member asked:

I have a bump on the roof of my mouth. looks like its got a white head on it but it also looks red/purple. ive been taking keflex and its like going up and down in size. its on my hard palate. im a 27 year old female ideas on what it could be?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It is not feasible to provide a meaningful opinion without additional history, physical examination and may be some tests. It would be prudent to talk to the doctor who prescribed you Keflex. Wish you good health!

Answered 7/22/2022



Could be insect bite, bacterial infection of tooth, sinus, or gums, burn, virus infection, traumatic injury, neoplasm, parasitic infection, or scores of intra-oral lesions. Of all these, antibiotics are effective at treating only bacterial infection. Keflex would not be my first choice. Please stop self medicating. See your Dentist or a specialist Oral Pathologist. You need hands-on treatment.

Answered 7/24/2022



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