A member asked:

Had sex 9-10 days ago i have irregular periods took 2 pink dye pregnancy test and there was a very faint but pinkish line am i pregnant? been having bloating , heartburn, and mood swings. what are the chances that i am pregnant?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

It is a little early to check for pregnancy. Pregnancy tests can find a pregnancy about 14-21 days after intercourse. If your symptoms were caused by pregnancy then the test would already be positive. Wait another week and then repeat a test. Consider starting a birth control method to help regulate your cycles and prevent pregnancy until you are ready.

Answered 6/21/2021



Conception occurs within day or so of the sex. It takes about 3 weeks for the embryo to make enough HCG for a positive pregnancy test. Blood test may be done a day after a missed period. Home pregnancy tests should be done 4-5 days after the missed period. If the result is negative repeat the test in 4-5 days. Use first morning urine and follow instructions for the test carefully.

Answered 6/20/2021



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