A member asked:

My boyfriend is covered in sores. its only where his clothes touch him. they ooze clear liquid. resembles eczema. they tend to be dry and cracky looking. bright red and are very itchy. could this be staph or allergic reaction to the laundry deter?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Evaluation: The clear liquid indicates a break down of the skin barrier. This will make it more likely that an infection of the skin may occur. Please see a Dermatologist right away. If none is available, provide a photo by uploading a photo for review during an inbox Healthtap consultation. Please avoid rubbing or irritating the skin. An antihistamine will help to control itching.

Answered 4/27/2020



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