A member asked:

Ive had a fever and a productive cough now for 5 days. negative for flu and chest x-ray normal. pinkish and green phlegm. finished zpack with no change in symptoms. what could this be and what tests should i ask for next?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Mgt: If you are still producing sputum, please see your PCP for a sputum culture, screening for Strep and other bacterial causes. If there is a prolonged viral illness, inflammatory changes may occur in the airway, and the need for an anti inflammatory drug can be evaluated. A virtual appointment may be helpful to you and your PCP. Your medical record and chest Radiograph result may be uploaded.

Answered 12/27/2017



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