A member asked:

Finishing up vacation. tickle in sore throat, clear mucus, no headache, no cough, no fever. tightness across traps. could it just be stress or also carrying around my 3 yr old for 2 weeks?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Tickle in throat: could be from a mild viral illness or allergies and carrying your three year old around will cause back and shoulder strain.

Answered 1/6/2016



Virus: A viral infection of the upper respiratory tract is most likely with an oncoming head cold. This should run its course in several days without any specific treatment except rest, good fluid intake,throat lozenges or gargling with warm salt water. If a dry cough develops, robitussin Dm (guaifenesin and dextromethorphan) offers soothing relief.

Answered 1/6/2016



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