A member asked:

How can the testing process start for kidney donation if you live in different states?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Amy Friedman answered

Specializes in Transplant Surgery

Telephone screening: Many living kidney donors are evaluated initially in their home states. The early steps include answering telephone screening questions, blood and urine tests to determine kidney function, blood type and compatibility, etc. Only if those are promising will the transplant center want you to be evaluated by a local donation center or to come to their center. Very common to work remotely. Good luck.

Answered 4/9/2018


Dr. W. james Chon answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Long Distance Eval: The distance is not a big issue but your intended recipient needs to be deemed a transplant candidate before a living donor evaluation can start. This is due to the fact that the cost of living donor evaluation is covered by the recipient's insurance and the insurance company will not allow the donor eval to start until it can be shown that the recipeint is healthy enough to undergo tx surgery.

Answered 1/23/2015



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