A member asked:

I drank alcohol first time and smoked pot for the second time in the same night and my head and eyes still feel funny two days after. is this normal?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Glenn Burns answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Maybe: Hard to know what you are getting when you smoke pot. It's unregulated and often adulterated (has stuff added). Marijuana is also becoming more potent as dealers figure out how to make plants with more THC (10x higher now than in 70s). Synthetic cannabinoids (man made pot) has unpredictable effects and can last days. Bottom line, stay away from illegal drugs. You never really know what it is

Answered 4/28/2016


Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

How old are you?: We need to know your age, too. Please put it in your public profile. We cannot answer questions from minors. Put your country or state, too. Age and location, and gender, can affect our answer, since some conditions are more likely in different places or in different age groups. Be honest! You expect if of us, and we expect it of you, too!

Answered 4/26/2016



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