A member asked:

What could cause bleeding during intercourse that lasts days following? it's heavy like my period but that's not expected for little over a week.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

The 3 T's: Heavy bleeding post intercourse can be caused by Tumors, Trauma, or other GYN Troubles. If this persists see your GYN MD for help to identify the source.

Answered 9/12/2015


Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

A few things: Bleeding after sex is called post coital bleeding. Cervical and endometrial polyps and fibroids are one possible cause. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two of the sexually transmitted diseases that can cause this. Hormonal changes can cause bleeding irregularity. Sometimes irregular bleeding occurs form time to time without a good reason. An evaluation by an Obgyn can help sort this out.

Answered 9/13/2015



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