A member asked:

My 2 1/2 son has monster tempertantrums & i've tried every piece of advice & nothing is wrking. even the neighbors have called cops. help! ?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Whose advice?: 2 year olds can have big feelings (just like grown ups!). They don't have the experience to regulate sometimes (sadly, neither do most grown ups). Have you tried empathy? Acknowledge his feelings, let him know you understand, and be with him until he calms down. You stressed is likely to prolong it. Can you be okay with him being mad, sad, frustrated? Feelings are normal and his aren't about you.

Answered 4/17/2015


Dr. Barbara Lavi answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Two year olds : will have temper tantrums. That's why they call them the "terrible twos." It occurs Bcause they need to start learning to accept limits. Infants cry and get fed, held or have their diapers changed. 2 yr olds need to learn to wait, get toilet trained, etc. if you give in to tantrums they will learn to keep having tantrums. Talk to a therapist to learn what to do.

Answered 5/1/2016



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