A member asked:

Why do i get blurred vision and dizziness when i stand up and wake up from the bed sometimes?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Victor Bonuel answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Decreased blood flow: To the brain and/ or drop in blood pressure with sudden standing up will cause your symptoms . Go see your dr if it's persistent or worsening. Take care!

Answered 12/9/2013



Orthostasis : Orthostasis or feeling dizzy on standing up dizziness on standing up be caused by multiple reasons includes anemia , hypoglycemia , dehydration, arrhythmia, certain cardio vascular and neurological conditions. Simple test likebp hemoglobin and ekg , finget stick for blood glucose can yield valuable information. Although work up can includes eeg and a ct scan or mri. Consult your physician.

Answered 4/30/2013



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