14 days is suggested: Different urine kits have different levels of accuracy. Blood testing may pick up pregnancy sooner than urine. If you're referring to a home, urine test, i suggest waiting about 14 days from conception to better assure not having a false negative result. I hope this helps!
Answered 3/3/2018
Urine or blood test: Depending on the urine pregnancy test kit, it can range from around 14-21 days after conception (4-5 weeks after last menstrual period). Serum pregnancy tests are more sensitive and may detect a pregnancy earlier (~11 days after conception).
Answered 9/28/2016
10 - 14days: With sensitive quantitative blood tests, the test can start to be positive at 10 days and always by 14days after conception. The problem is knowing when conception is in most cases. Urine tests start showing positive at 13-14days and most would be positive at 18days.
Answered 4/27/2018
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