A member asked:

What does the pregnancy symptom?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Marybeth Lambe answered

Specializes in Travel Medicine

Varies from person: Beyond a missed period other symptoms may include: nausea day or night, increased urinary frequency, breast tenderness, marked fatigue, mood changes, food dislikes or cravings, stronger smell sensations, constipation, bloating, mild cramping, low grade headache. Do a pregnancy test to confirm or see your provider.

Answered 5/19/2015


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Early sx's: Possible early pregnancy sxs: no period, breast swelling & tenderness w darkened areolas, thin, white & milky vaginal discharge, fatigue, ^ urination frequency, constipation, bloating, heartburn, backache, cramping, headache, food cravings or aversions, ^ sense of smell, enlarged waist, feeling faint/dizzy, mood swings,^ gas, insomnia, gagging & yawning. They may begin after missed period.

Answered 5/19/2015



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