A member asked:

I have an untreated deviated septum and post nasal drip has been aggravating my lungs. and causing dark mucus with blood to come up randomly. why?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jon Aoki answered

Moisture is needed: Everyone has mucous in back of nose. If you are bothered by it it is because it is too thick (dry). Also dry nose will cause it to bleed. Deviated septum may cause turbulent airflow and worsen dryness. Hydrate, use humidifier, nasal saline spray, and you may try Guaifenesin 1200 mg twice daily to take with food and glass of water.

Answered 4/18/2016


Dr. Subramaniam Arumugam answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

See E N T doctor: It is important that you should see a board certified e n t doctor, without delay. Let him/her examine you and advise.

Answered 7/16/2013



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