A member asked:

What are some abdominal exercises for diastasis recti?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Mark Weston answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Wont help: This a spreading of your two rectus halves with thinning of the conection not made of muscle made of fascia thin fascia wont become stronger. With exercise.

Answered 4/12/2019



Less is more: Diastasis rectii is the separation of the normally-fused rectus abdominis ("6-pack") muscles. In my practice, i see this most commonly in women after childbirth or in barrel-chested men who have gained weight. Unfortunately, there is no non-surgical way to re-fuse the muscles; ironically, "core" exercises will only accentuate the split. The best thing to do is to keep your weight down.

Answered 4/12/2019



None: Diastasis recti is when the connection between the rectus muscles (six pack) thins and spreads out. This looks like a long bulge in the middle between the umbilicus and breast bone only when you are doing a sit up, or participating in a limbo contest. It's not dangerous, and rarely if ever causes symptoms. The connection cannot be improved with exercise.

Answered 4/12/2019



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