A member asked:

I recently heard about electrolysis for permanent hair removal. why is laser hair removal so much more popular then electrolysis? is it safe?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hair removal : Hair reduction is the proper term both work but hair is rarely permanently gone lasar can do wider areas and often less painful both have minor scarring rarely but electrolysis is more labor intensive.

Answered 7/12/2013



Laser is better: Electrolysis hair removal was the standard before lasers revolutionized the field of permanent hair removal. Now, nothing is permanent and 100% in medicine, but there's permanent hair reduction. While electrolysis treats each hair bulb at a time, laser can treat a lot of hairs instantly at the same time.A bikini area can be lasered in 10 min. Lasers do not work for white, red and light blond hair.

Answered 6/5/2013



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