A member asked:

Left foot. big toe. had a ingrown toe nail. pulled it out. no problem, so i thought. now i fected for more than 5 months. went to doctor. gave me 2 p?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Xray: It would be wise to take an x-ray, to make that the infection is not in the bone also.

Answered 2/9/2013


Dr. Libby Putnam answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Removal...: ...Is the only permanent solution. Just the painful border can be removed, or the entire nail if necessary. After removal you can let the border grow out again, or your doctor can use a chemical to stop the nail from regrowing. If you're concerned, don't perform bathroom surgery on yourself. That can lead to an infected ingrown toenail, which could require antibiotics.

Answered 3/21/2014



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