Defined location: The abdominal cavity can be broken down into four quadrants, the division lines are the midline that divides the right from the left and a transverse line that is at the belly button. Within the left lower quadrant, lies the sigmoid colon (part of the large intestine), the left ovary (females), and the left kidney ureter. If abnormally enlarged, the lower part of the spleen can extend here.
Answered 7/19/2016
Low on the left: The left lower quadrant is considered to be below the umbilicus (between the umbilicus and the pubic bone) and to the left. Pain in this area is often from the lower colon.
Answered 6/16/2016
Sharp, staqbbing, : This is discomfort below and to the left of the belly button. It may be sharp, stabbing, crampy, dull, and be continous, intermittent, or only with bowel movements or urination. It is often caused in adults by diverticulitis or occasionally by a kidney stone, usually extending down towards the bladder area in the lower midline.
Answered 2/12/2014
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