A member asked:

What are tonsil stones? are they dangerous?

7 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Not dangerous: Tonsils "stones" - tonsil liths - are a collection of bacteria, sloughed cells from the lining of the oral cavity, and microscopic particles of food, that accumulate in the pits of the tonsil surface. They often are irritating, and contribute to bad breath. They are not dangerous. Some people have luck with a "water pik" to regularly remove them.

Answered 9/9/2014



Not dangerous: They are little accumulations that develop within the tonsils. It may be from food or other proteinaceous material.

Answered 9/28/2016



Generally not: Generally not , but best to see your otolaryngologist if recurrent and symptomatic.

Answered 9/28/2016



No: They're masses of keratin -- there's a propagated error on the internet giving a different composition. Get a penlight and a mirror and half-unbend a paper clip. You'll get good at it. Water pick is even better. If it's truly a nuisance, a otolaryngologist can laser-resurface your tonsils.

Answered 7/7/2015



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