A member asked:

What causes hypertension?

7 doctors weighed in across 5 answers

VAT: Visceral adipose tissue (vat).

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Clarence Lyons answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Many things: It could be due to salt in your diet, renal problems, renal artery stenosis, obesity, smoking, pulmonary, problems, cardiac problems, and more.

Answered 9/28/2016



Many Factors: Hypertension can be secondary due to conditions in cardiovascular system like coarctation of aorta, adrenals or kidneys and renovascular(from renal artery stenosis) or it may be primary also called essential which may be due to genetic predisposition and made worse by life style like obesity, high salt intake, lack of exercise and smoking.

Answered 1/20/2014



Hypertension: Hypertension has no definate etiology but there are several risk factors that can lead a person to become hypertensive.There 2 types of hypertension 1. Primary which has no etiology except Family Hx. Metabolic Syndrome, ObesitySmoking,Drinking,Inactivity. Secondary causes which include,Renal diseases like renal artery stenosis,Pheochromocytoma,Hyperthyroidism,certain medication.

Answered 11/28/2017


Dr. Irving Harper answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Multiple reasons: Though the exact causes of hypertension are usually unknown, here are several factors that have been highly associated with the condition. Smoking obesity or being overweight being obese/overweight as a child diabetes sedentary lifestyle lack of physical activity high levels of salt intake (sodium sensitivity). Insufficient calcium, potassium, and magnesium consumption vitamin d kidney dz.

Answered 1/14/2015



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