A member asked:

What are the systems affected by congestive heart failure?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Beyond the heart: The lungs see increased pressure backing up, causing fluid accumulation. Chronically decreased forward flow from the heart often causes kidney damage. Rarely, if there are high enough pressures backing up to the lungs, this transmits from the lungs to the right side of the heart, and you can get back up from there to the liver, causing passive congestion, and sometimes even cirrhosis.

Answered 11/27/2017



Congestive heart fai: CHF is a symptom complex. Many cardiac problems can cause chf. Generally loss of exercise capacity, shortness of breath, fatigue and sometimes peripheral swelling we call edema is present. CHF can be right sided, left sided or biventricular. It can be caused by systolic, diastolic or valvar problems. It affects the whole body and all its systems.

Answered 6/10/2014



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