A member asked:

My daughter has a bunch of small bumps on her belly there not red or itchy there not blisters, more like pencil head size, lots of them and they look kinda of like white bumps any idea what this could be?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

A : A rash with raised red bumps is called a maculopapular rash and can be caused by many, many things such as: -food or drug allergy -viral infections such as fifths disease, roseola, ebv, cmv, molluscum just to name a few -insect bites such as fleas or scabies -bacterial infection such as scarlet fever (caused by strep) -medication reaction or it can be seen in very rare things such as: -measles -toxic shock syndrome -kawasaki disease -meningitis -stevens-johnson syndrome -rocky mountain spotted fever disease the list goes on and on. The best thing to do is to call your child's doctor. They may want to take a look to see what it may be. Odds are that if your child does not have a high fever or is not acting sick, then it's probably nothing serious.

Answered 10/3/2016



Dermatological : Dermatological conditions are always difficult to diagnose without seeing them. If they are new and itchy, then conditions such as hives should be considered. If they are flat and scaly, a viral rash like pityriasis could be considered, these are usually reddish however. If they have a clear vesicle (bubble) on top, then chicken pox should be considered. Consulting a physician for a rash on a child is always a good idea, so the best advice would be to have her doctor take a look at that.

Answered 10/3/2016



? molluscum: There are many possibilities, but one that fits your description might be molluscum contagiosum. This is a viral infection of the skin. You should see a health professional for further evaluation.

Answered 2/23/2016



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