Well : Well presence of allergies, hyper inflated lungs on cxr and dyspnea suggest asthma. You can have normal pfts (pulmonary function tests) ad still have asthma.I am not sure you have been tried on but usually you need blood test or skin test for allergies and a total ige level ( blood test). You could try inhalers on regular basis for example advair or Dulera (formoterol and mometasone) on twice a day basis and see if this will help you symptomatically. Some times treatment of asthma can become difficult and will need some patience at your and your doctors end. Hope this helps.
Answered 10/3/2016
Sounds complicated. : There may be some confusion at times with these symptoms and words. Just because a breathing difficulty is caused by anxiety does not mean it is not a physical symptoms are not real. It means it is generalted by thoughts and ideas/feelings , not a hyperactive physiology, or irritant. Medication alone is only infrequently effective . Good cognitive ,behavioral therapy -is indicated-ask your medic
Answered 1/7/2019
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