A member asked:

Is there any efficient treatment for stevens-johnson syndrome hyperpigmentation? it's been a year since my daughter had sjs, but now she has hyperpigmentation all over her body. is there any specific type of cream or laser treatment that would help?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hyperpigmentation : Hyperpigmentation from a rash or generalized condition can take time to fade. It will typically fade if there are not subsequent new eruptions of the condition. To help fade them, though, i would recommend daily sunscreen and avoidance of the sun (the sun will keep the marks dark), a fade scream such as hydroquinone. Try that for a few months. If not improved, consider an ipl laser treatment, although if you have darker skin that won't typically work very well. I hope that helps a little!

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. John Chiu answered

Skin peeling: Steven johnson syndrome may cause skin peeling mimicking a 3rd degree burn. As the result , hyperpigmentation may follow . There are bleaching cream for this condition but it would not be safe or practical to apply over the entire body. I suspect that this condition would fade with time but consult a dermatologist if it does not improve in a few months. This is truly a frightening reaction.

Answered 8/8/2013



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