A member asked:

How can i treat/alleviate symptoms from a possible infection in my finger? about 12 hours ago my left hand middle finger turned red, started getting really hot, moderately swollen, and the pain gets worse by the worse. oh, and it throbs off and on. i'm th

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

I : I would not "watch it for a couple of days before seeing the doctor". You are dealing with cellulitis (skin infection caused by bacteria). You need antibiotic treatment right away. The reason is because cellulitis can quickly lead to abscesses, gangrene, and thrombophlebitis (inflammation of superficial veins) and in some cases it can even lead to an infection in your bloodstream (sepsis) which can be life threatening. Some things you can do at home if you are unable to see your doctor right away are vitamin supplements(mainly c, e, and zinc), herb therapy(echinacea, thyme), and even acupuncture. Lastly ice is not a good idea, but a cool towel may be helpful. Avoid heat. Good luck.

Answered 3/22/2020


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Septic tenosynoviits: of the flexor tendon in a finger, or just a regular abcess in the finger deep tissues can spread very fast and readily. If taken care of right away with immobilization and antibiotics you may avoid needed surgical treatment, If it is allowed to fester and spread then surgery can be vital to drain the finger. This is not something to sit on or try home remedies for.

Answered 11/17/2018



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