Semen analysis: Semen is the fluid associated with the ejaculate. Semen contains sperm. Sperm can be counted and the quality assessed. These are the primary way to objectively assess fertility in a male. Other factors are important: chromosomes, presence / absence of certain sugars in the ejaculate, presence /absence of infection in the ejaculate; retrograde flow of sperm to the bladder can be a culprit.
Answered 11/20/2014
Semen analysis: A semen analysis is the place to start. A sperm sample is collected into a cup after masturbation, and measured in an andrology lab. The best single measure of sperm is the total motile sperm count (tmc), which is the product of volume, concentration, and % motility. More detailed test of morphology, survival, and dna fragmentation are sometimes helpful in assessing sperm.
Answered 11/5/2020
Best way: pregnancy: Male fertility is evaluated by a specialist with a history, physical exam and a semen analysis. See: http://theturekclinic.Com/services/male-fertility-infertility-doctor-treatments-issues-zero-sperm-count-male-doctors/.
Answered 1/5/2014
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