Bee stings: If you're allergic to beestings, use epi=pen & seek followup treatment immediately! other- wise: use edge of credit card to scrap the stinger out (honeybee); apply ice/cool compresses to reduce swelling; make paste of meat tenderizer & apply (breaks down the protein in the sting); may use antihistamine (zyrtec/benadryl/claritin) to calm reaction & itching. Seek help at once if lips/throat swell.
Answered 6/2/2021
Ice is best. Baking: Powder also helps. Remove stinger asap by scraping along edge of skin w credit card. Clean area w soap ; warm water. Apply ice in 10 min. Increments (10 on/10 off). Can try tylenol, (acetaminophen) Aspirin or Motrin for pain or Benadryl for swelling. Make paste of 2 parts baking soda ; 1 part water ; apply. Need tetanus shot every 10 years. Throat, airway, mouth swelling or difficulty breathing? Call 911!
Answered 5/6/2018
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