A member asked:

I have just had a consultation for laser eye surgery, as my long distance vision is so good but my near vision is poor, it has been recommended that i only treat one eye.this means i have one good eye of each. i have been wearing a tempory contact in the

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Monovision: Monovision is the term for one eye corrected for distance (it may be natural as in your case) and one eye corrected for near which allows for reasonable vision at all distances to compensate for older age sight (presbyopia). When I do this, i insist that my patients mimic this with contact lenses for a couple of weeks to see if it works for them.

Answered 9/21/2012


Dr. Jay Bradley answered

Specializes in Cornea, Cataract, & Refractive (LASIK & PRK) Surgery

Monovision: You are currently trailing a contact lens to give you monovision (one eye distance, one eye near). It is a common treatment for patients in your scenario (good distance but having trouble reading).

Answered 9/22/2012



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