A member asked:

What can cause a lung to collapse?

7 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Tracy Berg answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Loss of (-) pressure: A collapsed/punctured lung is serious, as it can progress to tension pneumothorax. Once recognized, a chest tube is placed to release the pressure associated with collapsed lung. Any injury that allows positive pressure from the airways or externally into the negative pressured pleural space will start the lung collapsing. Trauma, needle sticks, rib fx, fluid, spontaneous are common causes.

Answered 12/9/2013


Dr. Loki Skylizard answered

Specializes in Thoracic Surgery

Air leak: Non-trauma, spontaneous pneumothorax (sp) occur as a result of an abnormality in the lung tissue. Risk factors for primary and secondary sps include: smoking (including marijuana), tall thin stature in otherwise healthy, connective tissue disorders, pregnancy, familial history. Sps are associated with 20-40% recurrence rate (depending type).

Answered 12/10/2013



Injury or luck: Ok, not really luck. Some people are prone to "spontaneous pneumothorax" where the lung collapses on its own. Other reasons include injury, infection. Treatment may include drainage with a tube or even surgery. Treatment options depend on cause, patient symptoms and conditions. More information necessary to properly answer this question.

Answered 5/22/2018


Dr. Loki Skylizard answered

Specializes in Thoracic Surgery

Hole in lung: Non-trauma, spontaneous pneumothorax occur as a result of an abnormality in the lung tissue. Risk factors for primary and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (sp) include: smoking (including marijuana), tall thin stature in otherwise healthy, connective tissue disorders, pregnancy, familial history. Sps are associated with 20-40% recurrence rate (depending type).

Answered 3/12/2018



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